Grace Pays Off

Chicago, IL: Congratulations are in order for one of Chicago’s newest nonprofit organizations.

Today, Grace Housing Complex, a nonprofit organization geared towards community development and providing resources to low income families throughout the Chicago area and surrounding suburbs, announced that they have been awarded the Covid-19 Vaccine Community-Based Education & Outreach Grant from the Illinois Department of Public Health. The very generous grant is one of the largest the organization has received to date. Combined with other bighearted donations Grace Housing Complex has received over the years they are officially a Half Million Dollar Organization!

On Grace’s most recent success, Executive Director Keevan Dantzler said, “Grace is very grateful and excited to be awarded the COVID-19 Vaccine Community-Based Education & Outreach Grant from the Illinois Department of Public Health. This is a major milestone for our organization and we look forward to working with our partner A Better Weigh, LLC. As a truly grassroots organization representing some of the most disenfranchised communities in Chicago, it is truly an honor to have support to properly service our communities. Despite living through some very trying times, we feel that we have the opportunity to do some great work that will leave a long-lasting positive impact”.

In Spring of 2018, Grace Housing Complex introduced their You Got the Juice program in partnership with Imperfect Foods-an organization that partners with local farmers and producers to combat food waste. The focus of the program was to promote health and wellness and give back to those in need. The program provided fresh and organic fruits, vegetables, and juice throughout Chicago. It was during the spring of 2020, when stores were shut down or permanently closed, that the You Got the Juice program was desperately needed in the city.

Grace’s leadership team along with a handful of volunteers separated, packed, and delivered over 70,000lbs of fresh produce and nonperishable food items to over 2500 community residents. It really does pay off to say Grace.

You can keep up with all that Grace Housing Complex is doing by following us on socials using, @GraceHousingComplex.

About Grace Housing: Grace Housing Complex is an economic and community development organization focused on providing low-income families with supportive services, personal development opportunities, and affordable housing access within the greater Chicago-land area. Through implementation of our programs we aim to create: stable, safe, and healthy communities.